Saturday, October 1, 2016

What is Zen? Zen is most basically described as a form of Buddhism that emphasizes meditation and intuition. Now, I am not Buddhist and nothing about this blog is intended to be religious. I would describe a feeling that our relationship with money and investments does have a strong spiritual component. I think this because life is energy and experiences, etc. Money is just a symbol for resources and an investment is putting those resource to work for you now and into the future...

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Critical Mass

One definition from physics; it is the amount of material needed to maintain a chain reaction. When I read about and talk with people with good amounts of wealth, they have all achieved a “critical mass” of assets that most of which produce income. At this stage of my journey, I have amassed some assets, but not enough to produce enough income to 100% sustain our family. So, a thought for the moment is keeping a focus on achieving “critical mass”. There is a different number for different people and much of it depends on your lifestyle and what part of the Country you live in. I live in a very expense part of the country so my “critical mass” will be different than others. A good analogy for this concept would be a planet in the solar system. A very large planet has more gravitational pull and brings more objects into its orbit. So, create a mass of assets that attract more and more assets without you doing much work. So build up your mass through extra contributions to your investment accounts, stocks, mutual funds, rental properties, etc. so that a “chain reaction” occurs where the dividends and growth just feeds off itself to create the freedom and lifestyle you choose.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Financial Independence

Let's begin a journey together towards financial freedom. Which means we can truly be our authentic selves. Otherwise we will always have to conform to a system, company, boss, etc.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Non-Scientific Approach to Investing

Investing in some ways is about predicting the future. But no one really knows what the future holds. As a person that likes to strike a balance between the present and the future, I think education is key. Become as widely read as possible. Try to learn about finance, history, technology, religion, politics, etc. I think all these areas will make us better human beings and better investors. We can start to think about where the world is headed. I am an optimist, yes we have problems, but humanity has always had problems and challenges. I think people will still strive to live their lives to the maximum value and capacity possible...

Sunday, January 18, 2015

What is an Investment?

Let's expand the concept of an investment beyond a stock, mutual fund or other piece of property. What about other important investments: An investment in your relationship with your significant other. An investment in your children. An investment in your health. An investment in your mind. Many of these things "pay off" in the future, but most do not actually cost very much.

What Really Makes People Happy?

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Hello everyone, welcome to Investment Zen.  My vision is that this site is about a lot more than simply investing, but opens a dialogue that leads people to a healthy and balanced approach to investment ideas and our relationship with money.  In my opinion, money is energy and can be harnessed to do a lot of good in this world.  I hope to have fun, learn and help others be better stewards of their money for themselves, their families and ultimately our communities.